Englische Phrasen lernen mithilfe der BBC

Ein Hinweis wie Sie wöchentlich englische Phrasen lernen können – mithilfe der BBC.

Learn new English phrases or words every Tuesday with the BBC podcast The English We Speak. In addition to words and phrases that have been in the English language for a long time, it also explains new phrases.

This week’s phrase is “contact tracing” — not a new phrase in English, but one that we hear quite often these days. Listen to the podcast to hear how it’s used in English.

This podcast is perfect for learners who are CEFR B1 and above.

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Mindy Ehrhart Krull
About the author

Originally from the US, Mindy Ehrhart Krull holds a master's degree in journalism and has been teaching English and working as an author, editor and proofreader in Germany since 2008.

At DELS, she leads a team of several English trainers and language professionals.

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