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Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach weiteren Möglichkeiten sind, Englisch zu lernen, finden Sie in unserem Blog Tipps, Links zu Ressourcen und kreative Ideen zur Verbesserung Ihrer Englischkenntnisse.

Change your story: life lessons from soap operas

As the holidays come to a close, you might be thinking about what 2017 will look like for you. offers some ideas about how to think about the future. (For English levels CEFR B1-C2. An English transcript and English subtitles are available on the site for extra help.)

False Friend of the Week – Dec. 26

During 2016 we present one false friend every week. handeln (DE) = to trade (kaufen/verkaufen) / to haggle (over sth) (feilschen) (EN) to handle sth (EN) = etw bearbeiten, für etw zuständig sein (DE) Example – to trade: “The company trades on the DAX.” / “At the moment, the company is trading for/at EUR 25.75.” …

Happy Holidays!

You’d like to send a special note to clients and business partners in English-speaking countries this time of year. Which phrase is best? In addition to Christmas and New Year’s Day, December and January are full of important holidays that are celebrated in English-speaking countries. In the US, the Jewish holiday Hanukkah often takes place …

False Friend of the Week – Dec. 19

During 2016 we present one false friend each week. spenden (DE) = to donate (EN) to spend (EN) = ausgeben (DE) Example – donate: This year, our company donated 1,000 Euro to a local charity. Example – spend: I spent too much on Christmas presents this year!

False Friend of the Week – Dec. 12

During 2016 we present one false friend each week. Billion (DE) = trillion (EN) billion (EN) = Milliarde (DE) Example – trillion: 1,000,000,000,000.00 Example – billion: 1,000,000,000.00

False Friend of the Week – Dec. 5

During 2016 we present one false friend each week. eventuell (DE) = possible, possibly, perhaps (EN) eventual/eventually (EN) = schliesslich (DE) Example – possible (adj.): Always use a formal writing style when corresponding with possible clients. Example – possibly (adv.): We are possibly the only company in the city that offers customers a full range of …

False Friend of the Week – Nov. 28

During 2016 we present one false friend each week. Platz (DE) = square, public place (umgrenzte Fläche), seat (Sitzplatz), space/room (freier Raum) place (EN) = Ort, Stellung, Wohnung (DE) Example – square / public place:  Let’s meet in the market square at 7 p.m. for some hot mulled wine. Example – seat:  Please take a …

False Friend of the Week – Nov. 21

During 2016 we present one false friend each week. irritieren (verwirren) (DE) = to confuse (EN) irritate (EN) = (ver)ärgern (DE) English synonyms for irritate = to upset, anger, annoy Examples – to confuse:  Sorry, I’m a little confused. What exactly would you like me to do? (We’ve used the adjective form of the word …

Hilfen für Ihre Arbeit

Sehr oft bekommen wir die Frage, welche Wörterbücher man nutzen sollte. Deshalb möchte ich an dieser Stelle gern mitteilen, welche Quellen ich selber für meine Autorentätigkeiten und das Korrekturlesen nutze. Als Deutsch-Englisch/Englisch-Deutsch Online-Wörterbuch nutze ich persönlich  PONS. PONS bietet dem Nutzer nicht nur die verschiedenen Übersetzungen für den gewünschten Begriff an, sondern auch gibt zugleich auch einen …
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